Nintendo NX Rumoured to Work with PlayStation 4

Nintendo’s next games console, codenamed NX, is currently all locked up in a question mark box of mystery that no amount of punching has been able to crack open. The console has been referenced in a number of business and investor meetings since last March with only whispers surfacing to the games-playing public.

The latest rumour is mind-blowing and suggests a game-changing concept which would see cross-compatibility with not only smart devices but also other branded platforms such as PlayStation 4.

Take this with a pinch (or shovel) of salt, but The Wall Street Journal has noted that there has been mention of the NX working in conjunction with other, higher power systems and another source, GFK a Nintendo client, has leaked info which shows the Nintendo NX running gameplay graphics at 900p/60fps and supporting 4K/60FPS video streaming. This is unusually high for Ninty system standards and implies next gen capabilities – like on the PS4.

It may be a large Mario-like leap to presume these titbits of info means the NX will work hand-in-hand with another system, especially with Nintendo been a fairly closed company that has only just embraced the idea of utilising smart devices to expand its gamer experience. Nintendo has been criticized for living in the past and not moving with the trends. But sources seem to think it might be feasible and speculation suggests that the console will be able to communicate with other devices wirelessly and that includes non-Nintendo consoles.

Other details in the GFK article reveal the Nintendo NX will incorporate both console and ‘handheld device’ and will allow players to connect through the Nintendo Network and sharing achievements through the community. The console is also seen to be supplied with Sensor Bar, Game Controller and HDMI Cable.

Nintendo’s fortunes have been famously turbulent in recent years and they really need a strike on their next console release. We’re really rooting for them and anxious to seeing what gambles they take as we head into E3 this June when the console is presumed to be announced.

Sources: NeoGAF, @mochi_wsj@Doctor_Cupcakes