Nintendo’s Kirby Gets Pink Carpet Treatment with 20th Anniversary Collection on Wii!

He may have never quite floated to the heights of Super Mario, but Nintendo’s pinkest mascot Kirby is still a very much beloved veteran of video games, and despite his spriteliness the little fellow reached the grand old age of twenty earlier this year!

In celebration Nintendo is rolling out the pink carpet in honour of this spherical hero, who has appeared in no less than a co-incidental twenty self-titled games ranging from Game Boy to SNES and Gamecube, not to mention his numerous appearances in other spin-off titles such as the Super Smash Bros series for N64 and Wii!

Six of Kirby’s greatest adventures have been repackaged for a 20th Anniversary Collection to be released on Wii at an unrevealed date later this year.nThe collection will showcase Kirby’s legacy across the first four Nintendo gaming systems, both home console and handheld.

The titles included are the very first games; Kirby’s Dream Land and Kirby’s Dream Land 2, which were released on Game Boy in 1992 and 1995 respectively. There’s also Kirby’s Adventure, previously released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1993, Kirby’s Dream Land 3 which was launched on Game Boy briefly, and then Super Nintendo in 1997, Kirby Super Star also for SNES in 1996 and completing the collection will be the Nintendo 64 game from 2000 – Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards

In a teaser video Kirby is seen in his vintage pixelated form but after he sucks up a star he becomes the smooth little dude we’ve come to know over the years. Kirby’s mates are seen assembling a big gold number 20 which the little guy obviously gobbles up too – only to spit out a big gold coin with the 20th Anniversary logo emblazoned on. We then get to see some of the classic gameplay we can enjoy again, including all the original visuals and classic 8-bit, 16-bit and 64-bit action – a real treat for the nostalgics.

We also discover that new levels will be thrown in as extra surprises and to keep the gameplay fresh there will be a challenge mode when the Kirby 20th Anniversary Collection drops on the Nintendo Wii in the near future. This one’s only been announced for the U.S and Japan but we’d hope to see the colourful chap come our way too!

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Video Source: GameExplain