Nokia N9 leaked “press shots” – We’re very skeptical!

Not like any Nokia you’ve seen before? On the eve of the CommunicAsia conference in Singapore – these are supposedly the new Nokia N9 model smartphones as revealed in “press shots” obtained by PocketNow. Resembling something that dropped off the Apple assembly line rather than the usual “no frills” designs that we’d come to expect from Nokia – and what’s with those funky colours?

Speaking of expectations – wasn’t the N9 supposed to come with a slide out keyboard? And what’s with the gaudy colour scheme? We’ve come to know Nokia mobiles as being very bland in design – The handsets created for function above any real stylistics.

The Nokia N9 model are said to come along with Nokia’s own MeeGo platform, is marginally chunkier than Apple’s iPhone 4, packs an 12MP camera and 960 x 540 display. A video appeared online briefly around a month ago but was pulled due to a claim by Nokia. The gadget in question didn’t resemble what we’re seeing in these “photos”.

These images look “too good” with a softness to them which could suggest a 3D graphic model by a hoaxer, rather than a physical model, of what could or could not represent the true Nokia N9 smartphone. I’m personally very, very skeptical..

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Source: PocketNow