North Korea’s official Twitter and Flickr pages hacked, Anonymous to blame

The government-run Twitter and Flickr pages for North Korea are the latest to fall victim to hacking, with control of both seemingly being taken over by the infamous hacktivist collective Anonymous earlier this morning.

Both the Twitter account ( and Flickr page ( appear to currently be under the control of the group, who have posted their typical boastful messages on both. A blip in normal service first showed up around 6 hours ago, with a message posted to Twitter stating “Hacked, ,”.

Normal service doesn’t appear to have resumed on any of the sites yet, with five tweets posted and four images uploaded to the Flickr page. One such image depicts leader Kim Jong Un with a pig snout and ears on a wanted poster, complete with a Mickey Mouse face tattoo on his stomach – no, we’re not sure why, either.

North Korea’s Twitter account has around 13,000 followers and is generally used to shower praise on its government and leader. Their Central News Agency also feeds information through to the page.