Paramount Pictures Makes Move to Digital Only Movies

Paramount Pictures has reportedly become the first company of its kind to completely make a break from celluloid and embrace all digital distribution of its future movies.

The company’s last release in the traditional 35mm format was the Will Ferrell comedy sequel Anchorman 2 with Paramount making the bold leap forward to digital-only with Oscar favourite The Wolf of Wall Street, which becomes the first title to hit digital cinemas.

After box office hits like Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Transformers through it’s Dreamworks division, a move from traditional film after Paramount’s 100 year legacy will possibly limit the company’s distribution for a blink of an eye while cinemas that still depend on 35mm become fully equipped for the inevitable digital transition. We can probably also expect more movie studios to announce similar action as they play try to play catch-up as this blockbuster news from Paramount settles in across Tinseltown.