PS4 Owners Can Register to Beta Test Next Update

Sony PlayStation is inviting players to check out and give feedback on upcoming system updates with a new beta program.

PS4-owning residents of the UK and USA can register to become a part of the scheme from today, and similar to the Preview Program currently employed by rival brand Xbox, Sony will be offering the chosen few the chance to enjoy not only the routine system enhancements but also unreleased features before they’re officially released to the general gaming public.

Since the release of Xbox One in late 2013, Microsoft has continued to be very open and interacting with its followers regarding updates, allowing them to glimpse and go hands on with new features and usually base new additions to the Xbox One and Xbox Live on what the fans have said they want to see. Sony has only recently seemed to realize the importance of customer feedback to better the user experience, and back in April asked gamers to tweet their ideas and suggestions to PlayStation system developers via Twitter.

Also See: PS4 Gamers Invited to Tweet Their Update Suggestions

From September 2nd those who are successful in registering as testers will be first to see the future of PS4 through the next firmware update. Although those looking to sign-up to this exciting prospect should check over the terms and conditions because they’re very stern and leaks of unreleased information will be taken very seriously by Sony.

UK PS4 owners can register for the beta program now through the PSN Beta enrolment site.