App Aims to Reduce Running Related Injury and Improve Your Performance

Running and fitness apps on our smartphones are one of the current trendy ways to keep motivated when keeping in shape – But some of us can be the victim of our own over-enthusiasm and often end up doing ourself an injury. A new intelligent software currently in development aims to reduce that risk by informing us when we’re giving it a bit too hard.

The super-smart app will work in conjunction with a sensor which is attached to the sole of a runner’s trainers. When foot hits floor the pressure is recorded on the “dashboard” of your pocket pal, be it Android or iPhone. This dashboard allows runners to customize their experience as well as reporting live real-time feedback both on screen and audibly while you run and will work out your running pattern and advise you via the gadget’s display and radio feedback when to take it easy or how to adjust your style to better performance and technique to eliminate physical strain on your feet and limbs which the concept’s creator claims affects 80% of runners – and as casual runners we’re no strangers to avoidable shin-splints! is a work in progress with development on-going but we’re eager to get this one on our gadgets, as we’re sure many of our running readers will be after hearing about the app so the Gadget Helpline will be keeping up with this one – if we can!

For more info on the project check out the official website.

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