Samsung Galaxy S III Specs Really Leaked in Photo or a Fake – New Model Boasts 1.8GHz Dual-Core CPU?

The Samsung Galaxy SIII has once again become the talk of the tech-lovin’ internet by surfacing in a new leaked snapshot of a ‘Private internal presentation’ screen which gives away a number of the anticipated follow-ups impressive spec.

The screen Samsung Mobile branding in the corner, and photos of what appears to be the Galaxy III smartphone. Specifications revealed in the photo from Phandroid suggest the next in line to the Samsung throne will, of course, run Google’s Android OS (presumably Ice Cream Sandwich) and also comes along with a whopping 1.8GHz Exynos processor, a staggering 2GB of included RAM, Super AMOLED HD display measuring in at 4.6” and a backlit 12-megapixel camera.

However, could this be a ruse? Sure, it looks legit down to the Samsung Mobile branding. But “No Copiying” – Really? Is this a subtle jibe playing on the excitement of eager tech-fans? That little ironic typo does cast a shadow of doubt on those massively inflated specifications, doesn’t it.. Just saying.

If true, the new model looks to completely overshadow its predecessor. The Samsung Galaxy II packing ‘only’ a 1.2GHz dual-core CPU, 1GB of RAM and 8-megapixel shooter. The previous model does boast an ultra-slim 8.49mm frame, can we expect all this Galaxy III goodness to fit in an equally toned physique?

Interestingly the screen size stated and shape seen here would indicate that the Samsung Galaxy III more closely matches up aesthetically and ergonomically with the postponed Samsung Nexus Prime – that ‘Something BIG’ which has now been renamed Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

The hugely popular Samsung Galaxy S II was announced at this year’s World Mobile Congress back in February, so should we presume this leak could indicate a repeat performance, with the Third Coming arriving at the 2012 event?  

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Image Source: Phandroid