Samsung Gear IconX – Wirelessly Smart Active Earphones

Samsung is one of the frontrunners of active tech and the company has just launched two exciting new fitness focussed products – the Gear Fit2 and the Gear IconX.

Next up is a brand new addition to the Gear brand – the Gear IconX earphones, which are a set of cordless super-smart buds which not only pump out your favourite motivational tunes without need of a cabled hook-up to a source device but they are also their very own independent activity trackers designed for running and walking.

From what we’ve described you’d probably think these things are going to be hulking slugs of tech poking out of your lughole, but in actual fact they’re so small, lightweight and discrete that you’d probably forget you were wearing them. And in true Samsung fashion they are really very stylish coming in blue, white and black. For comfort there are also a selection of ear tips and wing tips to choose from to get the best feel and fit while taking part in your favourite activity.

The Gear IconX earbuds are intelligent enough to monitor distance, pace, heart rate and calculate calories, syncing its findings with the Samsung S Health app via Bluetooth 4.1 connectivity, compatible with Android 4.4. They’ll also store up to a thousand MP3 music files on the 4GB storage with track play, pause and skip available with a quick tap or swipe of the bud.

Another pair of neat tricks is that it offers optional Voice Guide – a helpful feedback feature that lets you know how well your run is going and also the buds will activate and be ready to start tracking progress as soon as they sense they’ve been placed in the ear. The buds are powered by a 47mAh battery which is charged up with the supplied 315mAh charging case.

The Samsung Gear IconX is yet to be priced with no set date for sale but details should surface closer to the proposed Q3 release.

Be sure to also check out the Samsung Gear Fit2 which was also announced today!