Samsung launch two new 27″ 3D TVs – TA950 & SA950 hit stores

Samsung have launched two new stylish 27” monitors to its Series 9 3D TV range in the form of the TA950 and SA950 3D monitors.

Both new sets come with full HD resolution with 2D to 3D conversion and two HDMI ports for your other gadgets such as PCs, games consoles and Freeview boxes.  The TA950 differs from the SA950 in that it brings Samsung’s Smart Hub platform which links to other smart devices and allows owners to share content between supported devices.

Samsung say “For example, by selecting the Smart View App from the Smart Hub, consumers can share content between the HDTV monitor and their mobile devices. Through the built-in AllShare function on the Smart Hub, consumers can also draw content from other DLNA equipped devices, making it easy to wirelessly stream movies, pictures and music files onto the monitor.” – That means expect faves such as iPlayer and LoveFilm onboard.

Both of the new 27” models in Samsung’s Series 9 are said to be based on the flowing style of origami, and definitely look extremely slick. Both the TA950 and SA950 sets come with active shutter glasses and are available now through retailers including John Lewis and Best Buy.

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