Why Samsung Pulled Leaked Version of S Voice – Reason Revealed for Galaxy SIII Software Block

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Samsung smartphone owners running Android’s latest Ice Cream Sandwich update were surely pleased to find out that they could get hold of one of the new Galaxy SIII mega-mobile’s key features, the S Voice speech activated app, long before its launch on the host gadget next Wednesday. This was made possible through a leaked version of S Voice – however, since it became common knowledge some spoil sport has decided to stop the fun and blocked the software from being used.

And guess who’s to blame? That’s right – Samsung were the ones to officially pull the plug on playtime for the early leak voice assistant app, and have now admitted that it was not by cruel intentions that the software doing the rounds is incomplete and was blocked only to provide the very fullest version when it’s good and ready.

Part of a statement from Samsung regarding the leak and the block reads “Samsung Electronics does not want consumers to judge the quality of the voice feature based on a test version“.

And they probably don’t want us getting our grubby mitts on the one of the Samsung Galaxy SIII smartphone’s impressive new features, free of charge. S Voice is one of a number of new S features which compliments the device’s 1.4GHz quad-core processing power and updated version 4.0 Android software. The Gadget Helpline gives you a full rundown of these tools in our previous article – Here.

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