Sim City Rebuilt for Facebook with New Social Features – Help Mates Build or Destroy Their Creations!

As a warm up to the revival of creationalist classic Sim City next year a new social edition of the original has been launched for Facebook. The forefather of app based games such as Cityville on the friendly website is now coming to show the kids how it’s done with a graphic refresh and new sharing and social features.

Announced at the E3 expo this past week, and in partnership with Maxis and Playfish, EA Games revealed Sim City Social which follows on from Sims Social and borrows some of its key elements as well as a new “friend or foe” system which allows gamers to play in co-operation with their mates or sabotage their creations!

“Every action has a reaction either between you and your friends or you and your city or you and your friends city, so it’s not only about visiting, using or giving your friends resources it can go beyond that. You can choose to be friendly with them or a foe with them, this relates to the things you can do to them, you can leave prizes, then there will also be events that will affect their city.” – says VP of Playfish Jami Laes.

Unexpected disasters from the classic Sim City such as tornados, nuclear reactors and Godzilla-like beasts on a rampage are expected which should provide a nostalgia trip when the game hits the social network. Amusingly Sim City was one of the reasons why PC owners were glued to their desktops in the early 90s. Combining these two addictive components should surely lead to success ahead of the new game’s launch next year!

The Gadget Helpline took you on a tour of the classic Sim City in our recent Retro Replay feature.

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