Sony PS3 Gets firmware 3.6 upgrade bringing Cloud Storage

Today Sony has released yet another new firmware for its Playstation 3 console which for the first time ever will bring access to a cloud based memory service so users can save game, profile and data onto cloud storage.

Version 3.6 to will bring cloud storage that will connect users to the PlayStation Network account and allows gamers to store up to 150MB of game data or 1,000 of data files.

Its all in the Cloud!

The new service will work for the majority of current PS3 games and all future releases, and will mean that once your data for the game save is uploaded to the Cloud you will be able to log onto another console and bring up your save data.

However, it’s not all plain sailing as Sony has put a few restrictions on the service such as limiting the number of times you can download the same save file to once within any 24hr period, though you will be able to download as a many different individual files as you like.

The only other catch is that the service is exclusive to “PlayStation Plus Premium” subscribers, but will cost nothing extra to use if you are a Plus subscriber already. If you don’t have a PlayStation Plus subscription then you will need to cough up or go without.