Sony PS4 experiencing Rest Mode issue after v2.00 Software update

Sony latest “Masmune” Firmware v2.0 Software has had a few days to settle in, but it appears that settling in is not going to be a major feature od Sony’s latest update, as User’s online are reporting a issue with the Consoles Rest mode.

Users are reporting that the PS4 with the v2.00 Software are not able to leave the Rest mode (formerly Standby mode) if the console enters this without powering off the console full.

The rest mode is supposed to be a low power consumption mode of r the Next gen console, but users globally are reporting that since the Update has been live their consoles are refusing to turn back on after entering the mode.

Fans have taken to a Reddit discussion where talks of issues with the v2.0 Playstation 4 update have pointed towards this shared issue the Rest Mode seems to effect users at random, with some PS4 owners suffering from the lockout every time the rest mode is turned on.

It would Seem that Sony are also aware of the issues with the PS4 2.0 upgrade, as tewt tweeted the following form the official @PlayStationaccount:

If you are experiencing the Rest issue, then a few solutions have been offered, Firstly a simple powered down of the console by pressing and holding the power button for 3-5 seconds will restart the Console.

Next up is a bit of an odd one, but some users have expressed that Verifying your Account Information, in the

  1. on your primary account, go to ‘Settings’
  2. select ‘PSN’
  3. Go to ‘Account Information’,
  4. Go To ‘Sign-In ID (Email)’,
  5. Select ‘Verify’

Now an email will be sent to the Verified address to you Email inbox, click the Link to verify your email account. Now many users are saying this does in fact not work, but its worth a try before…

Option 3/4: Reinstalling the latest firmware or rebuilding the database on the PS4 both of which a heavy duty fixes, but you can see our guide son how to do this here.