Sony’s all set to give Google’s Google Glass a run for its money with the recent announcement of their very own pair of stylish smart glasses, with inbuilt video and heads up display features.

Image Credit: The Guardian

The glasses, officially called Sony Smart EyeGlass, have managed to outpace Google Glass momentarily, with features allegedly planned for the next edition of Google Glass appearing on Sonys glasses. These features include the projector free heads up display and the unobtrusive inbuilt camera. The glasses were seen in prototype form at IFA 2014.

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The heads up display Sony has implemented projects small images in green light directly onto the lens. As you can see from the picture above the objects seem large and blurred when you look at them from a distance, but once you don the glasses the large green splodge scales down into small crisp dot at the exact centre of the lens.

We’re developing some with industrial applications in mind, but our strengths are not in business so our primary focus is the mainstream consumer,” Hiroshi Mukawa, the man behind the projector technology said to the Guardian. “Of course, that’s very challenging.”

Image Credit: The Guardian

The device’s battery is housed in a small control pod which also includes a microphone and control buttons for the device. This saves space by not needing to mount the battery on the glasses themselves, however, Sony plans to change that in the future.

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“Our battery devision at Sony is working on a special battery designed for wearables,” Mukawa said. “The tiny battery we could fit into the glasses now without being uncomfortable would only last around two to three hours.”

Of course, having a battery mounted so close to the user’s head can be a little bit problematic at times.

“With batteries for wearables there is a significant safety concern that has to be addressed,” Mukawa said.

Image Credit: The Guardian

The glasses marry together some complex technologies in order to track the user’s head movements and motion. A gyroscope, compass and accelerometer all work together with the camera built into the left hand lens to constantly follow the exact location of the user’s head. This creates the desired augmented reality effect.

The glasses have been in the making for about a decade, with Sony’s combined knowledge of various sectors of the tech world coming together in one product after years of trial and error. Sony plans to release the device not far behind the official release of Google Glass.

Source: The Guardian

Via: Pocket Lint