Star Wars Earnings Broken Down – Toys & Video Games Sales Gain Saga Biggest Profits

Following up from LucasArts’ big announcement at the E3 Expo that a new franchise will rise from the shadows of the Empire in the new bounty hunting video game Star Wars: 1313, Wired has put together a most impressive infographic breaking down the whopping $33-billion dollar revenue that the Saga as a whole has harvested since its first movie was released in 1977.

Interestingly, but somewhat unsurprisingly, it’s toys that have earned George Lucas’ movie co. LucasFilm the biggest profit gaining almost half of the credits at $15-billion spent by parents and collectors on action figures of Luke, Leia and Han Solo as well as one of the must have Christmas gifts of the 80s – the massive Millenium Falcon with multiple compartments and moving cannon. The earliest toys were released by Kenner and later the rights were taken over by Hasbro which also holds the licensing for Transformers and there’s also the lucrative partnership with the world’s most popular toy LEGO – proving for some interesting crossovers!

The second highest earner for Lucas and his Galaxy Far, Far Away is videogames of which there are many – and if you’re an avid reader of the Gadget Helpline blog you’ll know as big fans of Star Wars we try to get in any information about the games possible and have in recent months discussed four major additions to the franchise including the now redundant MMO Star Wars Galaxies, it’s successor Star Wars: The Old Republic, Kinect Star Wars which utilises the Microsoft motion sensing accessory (and a cool droid-themed Xbox console) and most recently the stunning new Star Wars: 1313 which still carries a lot of mystery, but that we foresee will prove to be a popular seller when it touches down on Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Windows PC soon.

It’s not until third that the six movies and their numerous re-releases come in, raking in a still very impressive $4.5-billion with DVD sales just a short way behind with $4.3-billion earned on discs sold worldwide.

The Gadget Helpline covered some of the exciting ways to celebrate Star Wars in our May the Fourth feature and if your a huge fan like we are you can check out that article again – right here.

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Video Source: Machinima