End of Star Wars Galaxies sparks rebellion on Sony forums – legal action threatened

Legal war has threatened to break out over the axing of the Star Wars Galaxies MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) as a group of keyboard rebels have sparked an uprising on the Sony game’s forums.

We reported Sony Online Entertainment’s plan to end playtime this December after 8 years of online gaming in galaxies far, far away after reports of fading interest and dwindling numbers for the expanded Star Wars experience online.

In wake of this news it seems some of the dedicated role-players are not taking this news with the resolve of a Jedi. In fact SOE have had to lock the Star Wars Galaxies forums and ban a number of users to avoid an uprisingl from the wannabe rebellion who are petitioning for a free-to-play platform after the gaming universe official comes to its climactic conclusion.

Sony refuses to give way to the demands and it seems no amount of Force persuasion will make them budge. So the petitioners are now set to seek legal action against Sony Online Entertainment and file a lawsuit against them, despite Sony’s right to change or discharge any element of the game at any time – without employing any Dark Sided tactics.

With new addition to the Star Wars gaming saga coming in the form of Old Republic there’s a refreshed and rebooted online universe for gamers to discover. However this doesn’t seem to satisfy the traditionalists. New adventure, new excitement – a Star Wars Galaxies player craves not these things..

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