Steve Jobs Biopic Filming Begins with Michael Fassbender

After many months of turbulence it’s now been reported that the Steve Jobs biopic has finally begun filming with Danny Boyle at the helm and Michael Fassbender in the lead role as the Apple Co-founder and CEO.

Shooting is currently taking place in San Francisco, California – which is coincidentally the home of the annual Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). It seemed like filming of the Jobs movies would never begin following a revolving door of actors and directors who have been involved in and dropped out of the Hollywood adaptation of Walter Isaacson’s book Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography.

Names such as Leonardo Di Caprio, Christian Bale and director David Fincher have been attached to the big screen retelling of the bestselling book which details the entrepreneur’s life up until shortly before he lost his battle with cancer in October 2011. The script has been written for screen by Adam Sorkin who previously penned the story of Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook in The Social Network which was an Oscar-winning picture in 2011 so hopes are high for the new Jobs picture.

Also See: Steve Jobs Picture Loses Christian Bale as Lead Role

There was also a change is studio, with the project passing from Sony to Universal. Some of the drama behind this was recently revealed in those embarrassing leaked Sony emails between the studios producers which suggested that Angelina Jolie had been trying to poach director David Fincher for her own project Cleopatra. Other speculation suggests Fincher left over a pay dispute.

See Also: Sony Hacked Emails Reveal Angelina Row Behind Jobs Movie

Fincher was replaced by Slumdog Millionaire director (and Morrissey look-alike) Danny Boyle before the project moved to Universal with the German/Irish born Michael Fassbender becoming the man for the Jobs and a supporting cast locked in including Kate Winslet, Jeff Daniels and Seth Rogan who could break his comedic stereotypes show us what he can do in a more ‘serious’ role as the Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak.

We’re looking forward to seeing some set shots to see how close Fassbender resembles the late great Steve Jobs. Previously Ashton Kutcher portrayed him, looking uncannily like him in the indie flick jOBS – but sadly the film was critically ripped to shreds and currently wallows on the lower tiers of Netflix.