Stream PC Games to Switch & Xbox1

The dream of casting your PC games to any device may well be coming to fruition. If you have a Nintendo Switch and a PC then fortune is truly favoring you.  Users will probably not find a mass of titles on this platform compared to the Sony PS4 or Xbox1 for example. This is the reason there is so much excitement over an app currently being developed called Rainway. The creator of Rainway claim that this app will allow users to leverage the power of their PC’s:

“Enjoy Civilization VI from the comfort of your couch with a tablet, play Stardew Valley on the go from your phone or just enjoy your favorite PC games on macOS and Linux all at 60FPS.”

The app should allow you to play your PC games on any device, including the Nintendo Switch!

Rainway App

App developer Andrew Sampson originally announced it in March this year. He also explained that virtually any PC game will be fully playable on other devices by using the Rainway MSG protocol. The caveat being the PC you stream from must be equipped with a GPU supporting DirectX 11.

Not only will Rainway be compatible with a large variety of hardware. The developer mentioned recently on Reddit that the app will be developed for both Xbox1 and Switch. Hold on to you seats; this will be available from the eShop according to Andrew!

The general feel on Reddit seemed to be sceptical. Support of other manufacturer’s devices is not Nintendo’s greatest asset, so this could be a pipe dream. A good one albeit, still a pipe dream though.

The thing is, if this app is true to the developers word then this is a big game changer (pardon the pun). Console gaming might never be the same again…

The beta is schedule for release next month and if you sign up for it now on Rainways site pre-release it will be free to you.