The Meowth’s Out of the Pokeball – Nintendo Didn’t Actually Make Pokemon Go!

Well, they managed not to say anything about this particular fact until lots of money had been made, can’t blame them though, right?

Nintendo spilled the Pokeballs shortly after trading had closed on Friday and piggybacking the launch of PoGo in Japan, they released their statement.

Their statement highlighted the fact that Nintendo did not actually make Pokemon GO and this prompted a large decline in stock figures. Now, Nintendo never hid this at all and had actually noted this fact prior to their statement, still, investors have been taken by surprise.

Nintendo’s statement explained that Pokemon GO is “developed and distributed by Niantic, Inc” which is an independent company from Nintendo although they do own 32% voting power in the company which itself receives “a licensing fee and compensation for collaboration in development and operations”.

Although dropping 17% after the statement the company is still comfortable; since the game launched around mid-July, Nintendo’s share price more than doubled.

Because of this information Nintendo’s conclusion was:
“The income reflected on the company’s consolidated business results is limited”. They will, of course, make money from the peripheral which is due for release by the end of summer but these figures have already been included in their fiscal predictions for 2016-2017.

So, the general outcome is, Nintendo have not made as much as they could have if it was created by them, but, it is definitely no small fish that has landed in their net.

Look towards Nintendo possibly placing a small foot into the smartphone industry in the future. Pokemon GO, although created by another company, could quite easily be a natural springboard into this area of Nintendo’s development.

For tips and tricks on Pokemon Go check out our handy guide, which we hope will be regularly updated for as long as you pokefans need help!

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