Tomb Raider Reboot for Xbox 360 & Playstation 3 Delayed Until Early 2013

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Fans of veteran action adventure franchise Tomb Raider have discovered somewhat disappointing news today, as the developer behind the upcoming reboot has revealed the game has been considerably delayed from “Fall 2012” to the “first quarter of 2013” for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.

Promising that this time will be spent making sure to “deliver the very highest quality game” Crystal Dynamics boss Darrell Gallagher reports via the games official forum that the retelling of a new Lara Croft’s origins as a kick-arse and more aesthetically accurate archaeologist will be the best game in the careers of its creators. Despite the smaller bust, there’s a huge boast and it looks likely to become true if the actual game play is anything as good as what we witnessed from the E3 conference last June.

In footage demoed at the previous year’s event, we meet a new Lara, not just the pretty pixels we spent hours playing with on the classic Playstation. Unskilled and running on survival instincts she treads fearfully through the depths of the sunken wreck, narrating to us breathlessly as she passes hanging corpses, flees attackers in the shadows and gets down and dirty, avoiding contraptions in the claustrophobic corridors and tunnels – it’s clear that this game carries a much darker and believable tone than the previous cartoonish titles.

We’ll try to contain our excitement a little longer, maybe catching up with our gaming heroine in her mobile adventure Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light on the Sony Xperia PLAY – until we can bring you some updated information on her return to consoles in the Tomb Raider remake.

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