TomTom Go Live Redesigned for Caravan & Camper – Avoids Narrow Roads & High Bridges

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Wide Load? TomTom’s got it covered – with a new version of its leading Sat Nav (GPS) gadget which caters for our slightly larger road using friends. Now before you take that as a personal insult, put your foot on the brake – we’re only talking about caravans and campers!

Along with regular features such as traffic alerts and speed camera warnings, TomTom’s new device – called the The TomTom Go Live Camper & Caravan – will be specially designed to inform drivers of bigger vehicles of all the same hazards and restrictions as those behind the wheel of a standard sized car, only this one will be a lot more helpful for holiday maker and festival goers – reminding them which roads might be a little too narrow to travel along, an obstruction worth avoiding or if there’s a low bridge which could cause a bit of a problem on their journey.

Other Caravan and Camping specific features on this specially designed TomTom model also include helpful features such as toilet stop and and service stations – important information for anyone making a lengthy trip. And when it’s back to business on Monday morning, the gadget can be reset to accommodate for your regular mode of transport, until it’s time to hit the road on another adventure.

The TomTom Go Live Caravan & Camper is now on sale through the official website costing a sizeable fee of £350.

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