All Traces Of White iPhone 4 Removed From Apple’s Online Store

Has Apple finally decided to call the curtains on its delayed White iPhone 4? Well last night we spied that Apple wiped their store of anything suggesting it even exists.

If you were buying something on Apple’s online store last night you may well have come across the infamous yellow postit rumour-mongering page.

So, did they add anything new and exciting to their store? Well, in a word, no. It would seem that they removed all information regarding their beleaguered White iPhone 4, including the one and only picture of the mysterious White iPhone 4.

The last we heard, Apple was sticking to its guns with a spring launch, but spring has sprung, the daffodils have already started to rear their visually stunning heads, and the iPhone 4 is still nowhere to be seen.

Worryingly they seem to have wiped all info and the one picture of the White iPhone from the store, and it would seem that they may well have given up on the whole white iPhone debacle.

Even the only page where you can see the Apple’s antenna-gate solution, the infamous bumper case, now features only the black variation of the handset, and where it once showed  the white version.

In fact, it was pretty much the only place you could see the much-delayed device – and it has now been removed, which would point to being the last nail in the coffin of what has been a bit of an industry joke.

Whatever has happened it doesn’t look good. Are we really facing the fact that the white iPhone has been cancelled?

Well, depending on who you believe, Apple has given up on the white phone altogether and is hoping that no-one will notice the sudden removal of any evidence it ever existed.

Chances are that Apple will can the idea of a white iPhone 4 altogether and save the new livery for the iPhone 5 which is expected to hit sometime in June, while the old white iphone 4 seems to be trapped in purgatory.

Were you waiting for the White iPhone? Are you now not going to bother ? Let us know below and on our twitter here @Gadget_Helpline and Facebook group The Gadget Helpline Facebook Page.