Twitter Adds Swipe to Dismiss to Remove Unwanted Pics

It appears that a handful of Twitter app users are now getting to try a new swipe feature for getting rid of unwanted images from the Twitter feed.

As standard a single tap on the touch screen of your Android or iOS device would expand to view fully and minimize a picture after viewing, allowing only the text based tweets to then be visible. With the new method, brushing the image to one side makes it go away leaving the same simplified text tweets on screen. This simple tweak, which has appeared without fanfare, makes quite a considerable change to Twitter since the tap to open feature has been in place from the very start.

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Unfortunately we’ve not yet been able to try it ourselves first-hand as it appears to be just in trial phase but we think it’s a good idea which best utilises touchscreen of a smartphone of tablet more fully. A swipe is also a more natural and fluid motion which we think would work better along with the upwards and downwards scrolling required when browsing the Twitter feed. And it’s probably a more satisfying feeling to toss those unwanted images off to the side of the screen.

The new addition is already meeting mixed reviews and Twitter users who have experienced the swipe-to-dismiss are using their 140-characters to voice their opinions, with both positive and negative feedback. We’re sure Twitter is taking this input into consideration before the new feature is rolled out in full.

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