Another Typo Escapes Capcom – Asura’s Wrath Promises Relentless Action & “Chanllenges”

Just days after a big, big Fail by Capcom’s designers which saw the anticipated debut of Resident Evil on Nintendo 3DS renamed as “Revelaitons” on the game’s cover (as opposed to its true title “Revelations”) – another blunder has emerged from the art house of the Japan gaming veteran and creator of Street Fighter. This time a terrible typo has appeared on a promotional copy of new age fighting title Asura’s Wrath.

The new beat ‘em up from Capcom Asura’s Wrath will be released officially to game buying public for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 on the 9th of March in the UK and will benefit from a special appearance from SF hero Ryu in a future DLC, but for now the game promises gamers relentless action and “chanllenges” – Wait, back up.. Yes, there it is.

This latest mistake from the reputable games-maker was spotted by the staff of Games Radar who posted a photo of the back cover of their Xbox 360 copy, outing the embarrassing error on their website. We wonder if the mistake comes from the same light-fingered fellow who let last week’s wobbler slip out. We certainly think Capcom could use some new proof readers. Luckily this time the mistake has been spotted on a pre-release promo version of Asura’s Wrath and not a full-blown release like Resident Evil which hit the shelves in North America by the thousands last week.

Capcom’s year looked promising, with a 25th Anniversary for Street Fighter being celebrated through the year, at the moment they just look a bit daft..

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