There are a tremendous amount of uses for virtual reality that we’re only just discovering. Facebook is giving the users to share video using virtual reality, and app developers across the world are already their own forays into the technology. VR allows objects to be shown much more clearly than on a display, giving the user a sense of the size and shape of an object relative to themselves.

Playing upon this ability to show objects, or people, up close and in detail, an app is in the works which allows you to ‘upload’ people to a VR device. Dubbed ‘Project Elysium’ the effort is first and foremost to create an image of a person in life and to have that image ‘saved’. This provides a virtual image of someone, meaning a memorial after they pass away could be that much more personal.

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Losing a loved one is tough – having a virtual ‘imprint’ of their entire body might ease the pain for some. The app’s developers Paranormal Games think it could help at any rate. The team behind Elysium are currently preparing the software for the upcoming Oculus VR Jam 2015 to compete for additional funding. Part of the competition’s requirements mean more screenshots of the app in action.

While it looks like ‘create a skater’ from Tony Hawk’s games, this is apparently the way Project Elysum works.

So far all we’ve seen of Project Elysium is a few screenshots of a person being imprinted into the system as a simple model – however, there is talk of the program also being able to virtually generate someone’s personality to go with the animated model – although as of yet this hasn’t been detailed.

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As of yet this kind of technology could be quite far away – there aren’t many practical and reliable ways of scanning an entire person to enter their likeness into a computer. It certainly wouldn’t be something you can do at home. It’s not yet been revealed how you can upload yourself onto Elysium – whether the developers will do it for you or an automatic system might be created nobody yet knows for sure.

It’s not likely that Project Elysium will represent a major breakthrough in the field of scanning people into VR, but obviously projects of this nature are hotbeds of creative research into technologies which eventually gain widespread use. In other words, something good may come out of it, or it may just fizzle out into nothing. We’ll be keeping an eye on this particular app and will keep you posted on developments.

Via: Daily Mail

Via: Ars Technica