Wii 2 / Project Café console to be called “Nintendo” – is the joke on gamers leading into E3?

We’re eager to hear the announcement of the next evolution of the Nintendo console platform expected to come at the E3 Conference in Los Angeles which kicks off tomorrow. With a day to go, the successor to the uber-popular Wii is once again subject to rumour – this time word surfaces that the console codenamed “Project Café” will now become the originally titled “Nintendo”.

Believe it or not, the one word title “Nintendo” – namesake of the company behind it – is now hot favourite to be the official title attached to the console which has previously been dubbed “Wii 2” and “Wii HD”. Games Informer dropped the suggestion which has been picked up by the gaming community online and the rumour mill has gone Nin-sane!

This could all be a last minute rib on us Nintendo fans but we have to bear in mind previous console releases “Nintendo Entertainment System” and “Super Nintendo Entertainment System” which were affectionately abbreviated. And let’s admit it – we all had a little giggle when we first heard the name “Wii”.

Perhaps Nintendo (the company) could in-fact be making a statement taking their console to Day One, giving a simple name to the revolutionary console which looks set to reboot and refresh the company’s platform and bringing with it the addition of a “Screen Stream” system allowing for touchscreen control – massive benefits to our playtime and the first of its kind to feature built-in HD features.

What do our readers think of this latest name suggestion? Give us your ideas on what the next Nintendo console could be called at our official Gadget Helpline Facebook Page.

And be sure to read our Gaming Weekly article for the week’s news, previews and clips!

Source: Games Informer