Microsoft Confirms Windows 8 for October – Software to Challenge Android 4.1 Jelly Bean & Apple iOS 6 on Tablets

Finally confirming the rumours Microsoft has spoken out about a release date for its next revision to the popular Windows operating system. Windows 8 which marks the arrival of the software on both desktop personal computers and for the first time tablets will indeed arrive this October.

Nothing more specific than what we already believed at the moment but at least it’s some kind of acknowledgement that what we’ve been reporting to our readers for the past several months has been correct and we can expect Windows 8 to begin a full distribution in full consumer ready version towards the end of the year. Windows 8 will come as a full product or upgrade on PCs as well as installed from the get go on new desktop machines and tablets such as the twin screened ASUS Taichi and Microsoft’s own Surface and Surface Pro slate/laptop devices.

The Windows 8 look and function has dramatically changed with tiled interface resembling its mobile counterpart Windows Phone 7 (also 7.5 and 8) and the platform is fully optimised for ease of use on its traditional home computer hosts as well as touchscreen tablets – allowing Microsoft to enter the handheld arena alongside Google and Apple, both of whom have recently announced upgrades to their existing platforms with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and iOS 6 respectively.

The Gadget Helpline recently revealed the price Windows 7, Vista and XP running PC owners will be expected to pay when upgrading to Windows 8 Pro. Check out our article – Here.

You can also review our coverage of Microsoft’s announcement of its new Surface and Surface Pro tablet gadgets – Here.

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