Zavvi list Nintendo Wii U at £399.85 for delivery 20 July 2012

Jumping way ahead of the gun – Zavvi have thrown up Wii U systems for pre-order on its website slapping a massive £399.85 price tag on the new home console from Nintendo, which was only announced yesterday at the E3 Conference (Oh, you didn’t know?)

The Wii U is “backwards compatable” meaning it’s an add-on disguised as a new console and can play your old games but with £399.85 worth of new plastic accessories or fork out the currently undetermined fee for rehashings of games you already own. It does however feature the new HD screen controllers featuring 1080p output – but all the high priced added tech and pointless features seem designed to distract us from the fact there’s nothing much new for the gamer.

The vague listing appeared on the Zavvi online outlet today and states a delivery date of 20 July 2012 and also goes onto say “Price shown is an estimate and will be subject to change upon Nintendo’s announcement”. Looks like Zavvi are promising nothing and simply want you to commit your cash to them ahead of the highstreet competitors.

They won’t actually take your money until they dispatch the goods – over 13 months away and currently you can save a whole 14 pence on the Wii U console if you order through Zavvi today.

Still not persuaded to buy yet? – Nor are we.

We’re following all the breaking news from the E3 Conference on the Gadget Helpline Blog – so please follow us on Twitter and our official Facebook page for all the latest and be sure to leave your thoughts and comments!

Source: Zavvi