Apple: Over 1 Million iPhone 4S Pre-Ordered in First 24 Hours

Apple’s latest must-have smartphone has reached an astonishing number of pre-orders since last Friday, and new figures have come in to show just how popular the iPhone 4S is.

Over one million iPhone 4S devices were pre-ordered within just 24 hours, in White or Black and the three storage sizes of 16, 32 and 64GB. This number smashes any previous iPhone pre-orders, and takes the record which was previously set by the iPhone 4, which had 600,000 pre-orders within 24 hours.

“The first day pre-orders for iPhone 4S have been the most for any new product that Apple has ever launched and we are thrilled that customers love iPhone 4S as much as we do” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of worldwide product marketing.

When October 4th rolled around and Apple’s ‘Let’s Talk iPhone’ event was due to start, everyone was awaiting the iPhone 5 with baited breath. The event came and went with no radically redesigned iPhone 5 as some had hoped for, but instead a phone with the same design as the iPhone, but drastically improved internals.

The iPhone 4S now benefits from a new A5 dual-core processor, which makes it twice as fast as the iPhone 4, and with 7x better graphics to boot. The camera has also been upgraded from 5-Megapixels to 8-Megapixels, along with a drastically improved camera sensor. It has a wider lens, lower aperture, lets in more light for better night shots and also records video in Full HD 1080p quality.

Release day is set for October 14th; this Friday. Apple fanatics have been queuing outside Apple stores across the world since last Friday, with a decent queue already forming at London’s Regent Street store. The two chaps at right at the front of that queue have been camped out there since 4pm last Friday – madness.

Are you looking to buy an iPhone 4S this Friday? You’d do well to check out our comprehensive list of prices and tariffs available across the UK here.

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