Apple Watch Release Event – Platinum Model

Ok so the Apple watch is just around the corner, by now you must have seen it or at least something to do with it. If not well lucky you… I guess because in true Apple style they are holding a special event later today to tell us everything we need to know about the Apple Watch. The event kicks off at 5pm GMT / 1pm ET / 10am PT and Apple is putting on a live stream for anyone with a fairly recent version of iOS or Mac OS X.

But evening on the day of the big release people still find time to start rumours about the “next” Apple watch. The rumour has it that a platinum model is in the pipeline. At current the Apple Watches going on sale next month are available in anodised aluminium, stainless steel and gold casings depending on how much you want to spend. Ordered by price of metal there for your convenience.

The rumour started in the Wall Street Journal, they believe platinum is the next metal coming to the smart-watch in the future, not a huge leap considering most luxury watch makers like Rolex and Breitling use them, but they are luxury watch makers who make incredible watches so using one of the most expensive metals available makes sense. For a gimmicky wearable I’m not sure.

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Obviously this is a rumour and may or may not ever happen, but one thing we can be sure of is that this won’t be the only Apple Watch we see, bear in mind they will release new models down the line potentially with improvements so don’t rush to spend all that money on one yet.

There’s some suggestion that a Platinum edition would in theory make the Apple Watch price in the range of $20,000 USD. Or for that price you could by a Rolex Yachtmaster II, a real watch.