UPDATE: Assassin’s Creed 4 Confirmed By Ubisoft – Box Art Appears on Official Forum

After a leaked poster washed ashore yesterday for Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, we have further evidence to suggest that the next instalment will carry a seafaring theme as the game’s presumably official cover art has appeared through the publisher’s forums.

A poster for Ubisoft’s next Assassin’s Creed game was revealed in a photo from Kotaku yesterday and today the box art has been shared on official online fan community. This authentic-looking artwork seems legit and is in sync with the poster and previous game promo material.

This should confirm the high seas theme in AC IV:BF but sparse information has been available about the storyline itself. Some things are now certain: the new game will once again feature a member of the Knights Templar, the secret society of assassins which is the focal point of the popular series – and pirates!

Web-based news source The Examiner also claims to have hooked some bountiful info about the Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, telling that the hooded figure in the poster and cover art is a Templar named Edward Kenway – father of Haytham Kenway who appears in Assassin’s Creed III and himself father of the previous games main character Connor.

According to The Examiner, the new game is to be set in 1715, around 30 years earlier than ACIII and players will be adventuring around the Caribbean islands.

Ubisoft’s CEO suggested a release in April 2014 but with these leaked materials expected to be officially revealed in March of this year we can maybe expect official news and the game’s launch to both happen much earlier.

UPDATE: Since this article was posted the published has made an official statement saying “We confirm that Ubisoft will announce all the details of Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag on Monday March 4th at 5pm GMT.”