First Image of Blackberry Milan / Torch 3 Surfaces – Slide Out QWERTY Keyboard Featured

Canadian mobile-co RIM’s new gadget from the BlackBerry Torch range has been outted in the tech traditional unofficial leak and today we’ve got our first glance of the upcoming ‘Milan’ – which is set to be complimented by the latest RIM OS, BBX (Sorry.. that’s BlackBerry 10.)

BlackBerry aficionados at CrackBerry got the scoop and leaked the photo of the somewhat stuffy and uniformed Milan which is clearly an offspring of the current Torch range, featuring those familiar straight edges and slide out QWERTY keyboard. With QWERTY expanded it does make the device look impractically lengthy, but in fairness it’s very hard to tell without going hands on. It also features curved corners, reminiscent of the struggling BlackBerry PlayBook. The Milan, or Torch 3 as it’s also being referred to for obviously reasons, also is expected to come with the bezel gesture control method used for multi-tasking on RIM’s tablet effort. Hopefully these examples are where the similarities between PlayBook and Milan end.

What the Milan lacks in style it looks to make up for a little in the substance, as the gadget is said to feature a high density pixel array and a retina display that would make Apple’s iPhone 4 flinch in a staring contest. We should find out in the first quarter of 2012 and the Gadget Helpline will be following the Milan / Torch 3 on its way to bring our readers the latest updates!

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