If you’re the child of a big time Hollywood action star you’d expect some pretty sweet inheritance when your Die Hard dad makes final cut. But Bruce Willis – currently teaming up with fellow violent film veterans in The Expendables 2 – is more concerned about who gets his iTunes collection!

Instead of passing down armoured hummers or badass motorbikes Willis, who has starred in over 60 movies (as well as a recent shameless plug for Sky TV) is intent on making sure his daughters get access to his digital downloads through the iTunes platform which includes songs from legends such as Led Zeppelin and The Beatles.

After taking down such villains as Hans Gruber in Die Hard and ‘That Yellow B*****d’ in Sin City the actor will bring his next fight to the court room against the world dominating corporation Apple who’s terms and conditions do not allow tracks and music collections to be passed between users (even in the event of death) and claims that music fans merely ‘borrow’ the tracks at a cost. Apple’s current policy says it will suspend any accounts if content is found to have been shared with other iTunes users.

Willis will once again take the law into his own hands to ensure Rumer, Scout and Tallulah – his daughters with actress ex Demi Moore – and all digital record collectors have more freedom in sharing their online purchases.

Yippee Ki-Yay, music lover!

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