Gadget HELP! – Nintendo Wii Console and Synchronising with Wii Fit

We at The Gadget Helpline get hundreds of calls a week from frustrated customers looking for support and help with their Gadgets and electronic goods, so we thought we would share some of our help to the world.

Nintendo Wii + Wii Fit balance board

Today we have received a call where one of our dedicated agents provided support on a Nintendo Wii Console and Synchronising with Wii Fit board. For this our agent used:

Query: Customer wanted help setting up the Wii Fit balance board.

Device: Nintendo Wii Fit

Article Category: Basic Setup

Guide: Synchronising with Wii Console

  1. Insert a balance board compatible game into the Wii console.
  2. Open the Memory card cover on the front of the Console.
  3. Remove the battery cover on the base of the balance board.
  4. Press the red SYNC button inside the battery bay and the LED will flash.
  5. Press the red Sync button inside the cover on the console.

NOTE: Do not hold down the Sync button for more than 10 seconds as it will un sync the remote with the console.

When the board and console are synchronised the LED on the board will light up.

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