Google Fit Update Adds Distance Tracker, Calorie Counter and Galaxy S6 Support

Google Fit has just been updated to add some very handy health promoting features including distance tracking and calorie counting – and also (at long last) the app will be available for Samsung Galaxy S6 with full compatibility.

Substituting the need to own a dedicated sports wearable, Google’s fitness app is free to download on (most) Android smartphones running version 4.0 and above and offers a whole variety of functions for those looking to monitor their exercise and goals.

Google Fit collects data from a range of devices and hundreds of activities including walking, running and cycling can be tracked and presented in easy to follow graphics. Progress can now be viewed by day, week and month and the new update released today introduces an experimental step detector for walking, distance tracking and offers a good guide for those watching what they eat with an estimated calorie counter.

As well as adding new features to the main app, the Google Fit update allows a widget to be dropped on the Android home screen to offer quick access to your progress at a glance and the app can also now be used on Samsung Galaxy S6 and Samsung Galaxy Note 4. Previously the app was deemed incompatible on these Samsung devices by Google due to an issue with the heart rate monitoring feature for some phones running Android 5.0 and some Android Wear gadgets.

With downloads from the Play store now reaching 10,000, Google Fit is picking up some serious momentum and boasts features to rival the popular MyFitnessPal. Not to mention it’s designed by Google specifically for its own Android platform and uses your existing Gmail account to instantly log on and get started. We’d definitely suggest giving it a try on your next distance based activity.