Paul McCartney Albums Available on Apple iPad App Store

Paul McCartney has always been very good at rolling with the times and adjusting his approach to developing and marketing music, and at the ripe age of 72 he still has it. Following in the footsteps of other artists, McCartney has now released a number of his albums (rather than releasing them ‘all together now’) on the Apple AppStore. The albums available from yesterday are Band on the Run, McCartney, McCartney II, RAM and Wings Over America.

This means that instead of just ‘flying’ to iTunes and paying a premium for these albums you can now get them as an App. This App is currently available as an iPad only app but I am sure that in time they will become available on the iPhone ‘etcetera’. The albums are priced at £5.49 ($7.99) each which comes in up-to £5.49 ($5) less than if you were to purchase them via iTunes.

‘I don’t want to spoil the party’ for those of you that have already purchased the albums on iTunes but there is even more good news for those of you that are contemplating getting the apps… Not only are they cheaper you also get bonus features! This includes re-mastered audio, video clips, artwork and all the usual ‘junk’ you would hope for. Bearing this in mind you would have to be a ‘madman’ to not get App instead of heading to iTunes.

The fact the McCartney has decided to head down the App-Album route does beg the question, are album sales on iTunes on a ‘slow down’ and is this just a shot at boosting album sales?

‘the end’

‘ps I love you’