LG Optimus 3D gets 2D-to-3D app game update this week

LG is readying it’s 2D to 3D conversion software for apps on the Optimus 3D mobile handset for launch in Europe in the coming days. The new addition to the already stunning auto-stereoscopic 3D-capable display and photography will optimise third-party software and games for use on the popular LG gadget.

The software code which translates usually 2D games into 3D games has been in testing since before the LG Optimus 3D was publically released and is finally ready to begin rolling out as a download firstly here in the UK and Europe, before setting sail for worldwide distribution – bringing the Open GL app content up to standard with the rest of the cool 3D features boasted by the mobile.

Following this LG plans to update the 3D video on the Optimus, including stabilisation and editing.

There will be option to flick between 2D and 3D settings, but we’d imagine Optimus 3D owners will now want to get to grips with their apps in 3D after an initial disappointment of finding many of their fave games remained in the boring old 2D format. And we know that Rovio have already suggested that addictive avian title Angry Birds will be flying onto the LG model in fearsome 3D!

If you’re an LG Optimus 3D owner seeking to check out your app games in glasses-free 3D, check your settings soon as you could be notified of the update anyday.

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