XBox 720 appears in Hugh Jackman robot flick Real Steel

Has Microsoft slipped in a teaser for the anticipated and as yet unannounced successor to it’s Xbox 360 into new Hugh Jackman movie? An Xbox 720 logo has been spotted in the trailer for the new sci-fi/robot boxing story – but is Microsoft having a little joke at our expense or is the footage in Real Steel the real deal? The Gadget Helpline has reviewed the footage to bring you the suspect scenes.

The trailer for Real Steel is Microsoft-laden – also featuring Bing branding. Bing can be spotted more clearly than the Xbox 720 tease, which can only be spied by some eagle-eyed attentiveness at around 00:40s and more clearly at 00:45s into the one minute clip.

We’ve done the scrutinizing for you and found the first appearance during this bout of battling bots:

And more clearly a few seconds later. We can certainly identify the familiar Xbox logo:

Zoom a little closer and we can see that the word “Xbox” is followed by “720”:

This interesting little snippet gets us hyped up for Microsoft’s gaming platform just before the ten year anniversary of the original Xbox console, which comes around this November. Maybe we can expect some kind of explanation for this reference around that time?

If this is in fact an indication of an Xbox 720 launch we’ve got a few years of waiting ahead of us – as Real Steel is set in a fictional 2020 – So don’t expect to grab one anytime soon! Regardless of if this is the genuine article or a playful jibe it’s still an exciting reference which got a big pop from the Gadget Helpline gamers!

We’ll look forward to picking out more tech references when Real Steel arrives at cinemas in the UK on October 7th.

Let us know your thoughts on our comments below or via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook group.

Video Source: VISO Trailers