MacBook Air update: New Intel processors imminent?

Apple’s on something of a roll when it comes to updating its Macs and MacBooks. Already this year we’ve seen the iMac and MacBook Pro benefit from the new Thunderbolt port as well as a boost in processing grunt thanks to Intel’s new ‘Sandy Bridge’ chipset.

Rumour has been building for a while that the MacBook Air would be next to receive the jump, but new reports claim that the Air won’t slot the exact same chip into its recesses, rather that it’ll benefit from an all new range of Ultra Low Voltage chips.

The ULV chips that Intel are working on still come under the ‘Sandy bridge’ line, but – as the name suggests – are smaller and require less power to run, making them ideal for the waif Air. The processors will run at speeds of up to 1.8GHz.

The proposed update should come at Apple’s WWDC expo in June, along with a rumoured update to the MacBook as well as a brand new iPhone. We’ll keep you posted on all the goings on from San Francisco. Can’t wait for a new MacBook Air, or just bought the current one? Let us know on the Gadget Helpline Twitter feed.