Microsoft targets Google with ‘Scroogled’ Range

Microsoft has delivered an ultimate low-blow to tech rival Google by launching a range of wearable gear called Scroogled.

Products available to buy at a dedicated Scroogled section of the Microsoft store include T-shirts, baseball caps, hoodies and mugs, all of which spoof the familiar Google logo down to the very typeface and colour scheme and feature printed slogans including ‘Keep Calm While We Steal Your Data’, ‘Step Into Our Web’ and ‘We’re Watching You’.

The creator of Windows 8 and Internet Explorer 10 is evidently using this range to target Google because of its monetising of ‘digital life’ and infamous means of location tracking it’s users through its Android mobile OS and Google Chrome web browser, scandals which have both caused some controversial privacy concerns.

We are surprised that a company of Microsoft’s professional reputation has the stones to publicly stick the boot in to a rival, even if the majority agree with the message it’s trying to convey. We imagine these Scroogled items will become limited edition when Google responds and the lawsuits start flying so buy them quick!

Check out the Scroogled line at the Microsoft Store.