Multi-Window Support & Nougat release

The latest version of Android is now available for a select number of phones. Nougat has finally been released and Google are hard at work rolling it out for different phone models.

There are a number of differences to the previous edition but one of the most welcomed of these is the Multi-Window support.

If you are a lover of Phablets then this may just rock your world, however slightly. There is now full support for  split-screen; you have have two different apps showing at once on the same screen.

Obviously some apps will not function under a split screen environment but others will work wonderfully.

To enable it whenever required, all you need do is a long press on the multi-tasking button in the nav bar (new added feature).

On top of this there is now a clear-all function button which makes it a breeze to clear all apps at once. As well as this, there is now something called the Quick-Switch. The Quick-Switch allows you to jump back to the previous app you were in with a simple double-tap on the multi-tasking button.

There’s also a Clear All button at the top of the multi-tasking menu on your phone to make it simple to close all your apps. Then there’s a new feature called Quick Switch, which lets you jump back to the previous application with a double tap of the recent (multi-tasking) button in the navigation bar.

For a full list of the new features we have included a link for you here.

For more up to date info on Android and iphones please head over to Gadgethelpline for all your techie needs.