Mystery HTC Device Being Tested With 1080p Display, Blazing Fast Processor

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Samsung is probably feeling rather good about itself at the moment, sitting at the top of the pile in the powerful smartphone stakes with its Galaxy SIII. It needs to watch out though, as HTC is developing something far more powerful to topple it from the top.

A mystery HTC device has shown up in GLBenchmark; a piece of software used to put gadgets to the test to see just how powerful and capable they are. When we say mystery, we mean it – we don’t know whether this device is a phone or a tablet.

Said mystery gadget goes by the model number of 6435LVW and it runs on Android 4.0 – or at least it did when it was tested. The results on GLBenchmark show that the version of Android is customised for the US network Verizon, which could mean this is a 4G LTE device.

The device has a Full HD 1080p display, which is something we rarely see on Android tablet devices. Processing power seems to give this mystery device the ‘oomph’ in the graphics department to match such a high quality screen too, with an incredible score of 121 frames per second achieved in the Egypt Offscreen 720p test in GLBenchmark. To put that into some perspective that’s 20% higher than the current champ, the Samsung Galaxy SIII, and double the score of the HTC One X. Wow.

The screen resolution is 1794 x 1080, which is a Full HD resolution minus a small area. This leads us to think that this device may feature a section on the screen for the touch buttons required in Android Ice Cream Sandwich.

Hopefully we’ll find more on this mystery HTC device very soon. It could well be the ‘unique’ second tablet that the company recently hinted about, who knows.

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Via: PhoneArena