Nintendo President Satoru Iwata spoke yesterday at Nintendo’s earnings call, and voiced the company’s concern over initial sales figures for the 3DS.
The Japanese gaming giant posted sales of 3.6 million 3DS units since its initial launch on February 26th in Japan. Actual sales figures mark a 4 million fall from Nintendo’s expected sales of the portable 3D games console.
Iwata spoke of the poor sales, saying “Sales of the 3DS have been weaker than expected since the second week and this is not just in the Japanese market but also in the United States and Europe, where no direct impact from the great earthquake has occurred,” he said.
“Therefore, we recognize that we are in a situation where we need to step up our efforts to further promote the spread of Nintendo 3DS.”
We’ve spoken to a lot of big Nintendo fans who all point towards the poor selection of release games when asked why they haven’t got themselves a 3DS yet, and Iwata realises this, saying: “Some people may be waiting, thinking that there aren’t yet enough software titles that they want to play.”
Nintendo’s President believes that in order to push sales, Ninty need to further promote the other 3D features of the 3DS, such as the 3D cameras and 3D movie playback. At present it’s early days for the 3DS, and knowing Nintendo they will pull something magical out of their sleeve that nobody will have thought of.
You can check out a video review of the 3DS, courtesy of our friends at e2save here.
Have you got a 3DS yet? Do you love it or loathe it? Let us know your thoughts via Facebook or Twitter.