Nintendo reports good early sales for 3DS

Despite reports of poor sales for the Nintendo 3DS over the release week, the official word from the company claims differently. In fact Nintendo go so far as to say sales were “the highest of any Nintendo hand-held system in our history”.

Demand for the Nintendo 3DS is being met with an abundance of units spare and Nintendo says it has simply been able to deliver an adequate supply of consoles. Nintendo have clearly heeded the events of several years ago, when the release of the much-desired Wii console set the buying public into total frenzy.

Pre-orders for the Nintendo 3DS appeared to be going poorly as retailers in the UK knocked out release deals, such as slashing the handheld console’s price when purchased with a game, and post-launch reports had suggested the release of the 3D gaming gadget had not gone as well as expected, with sales being viewed as very “underwhelming” and individual games charting poorly.

It could be presumed that with disappointing sales comes a slightly exaggerated report from Nintendo. The opening week has not appeared to have gone well and with some consoles affected by the “black screen of death” and a number of users suffering headaches (to be fair this is probably down to excessive gaming!) – it’s unlikely sales have improved much since the Nintendo 3DS’ release.

The official numbers are expected to be released by Nintendo on the 14th of April.

Yesterday we helped you connect to the internet and update your Nintendo 3DS – You can find that article right here!

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