Nintendo 3DS – “Black screen of death” brings early end to playtime

A number of Nintendo 3DS owners have been reporting that a black error message has been popping up on the new three-dimensional handheld games system with some of the latest releases freezing and locking the gadget and bringing a disappointing and sudden end to playtime.

This “black screen of death” as it is being referred is eerily reminiscent of the “red ring of death” familiar to Xbox 360 gamers and has been appearing during play of games such as Super Street Fighter IV and Super Monkey Ball 3D and announces “An error has occurred” and suggests gamers “Hold down the POWER button to turn off the power, then turn it on and try again”.

Some Nintendo 3DS owners have posted their views online forums, some of which suggest that this error message is due to poor wireless connectivity when playing the games online. Others suggest this is a general fault with the gadget itself and will be fixed when an update becomes available for download in coming weeks.

Surely this should have been noted before the portable gaming device hit the shelves on March 25th? Hopefully this problem will be identified and solved in short time and gamers will be able to enjoy the 3DS without further error. But still an epic fail by gaming leader Nintendo after only 3 days of the 3DS’ release.

Did you manage to grab this gadget? If so what are your first thoughts on the Nintendo 3DS? Have you personally experienced the dreaded “Black screen of death”?

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