Nokia’s Helsinki Store Promising ‘Something Amazing’ Coming September 7th

The Nokia store in Helsinki seems to know something the rest of the world doesn’t and the capital city shop in the heart of the mobile manufacturer’s motherland has been decked out in banners heralding ‘Something Amazing’ which the campaign suggests will arrive on 7.9.2012 – But what is it?

The annual Nokia World was brought forward to September 5-6, earlier in the month than previously expected and the event will take place in Helsinki. This would explain why the location store has the insider gossip on whatever this big revelation might be the very next day. Recently we’ve heard ramblings from official sources about Nokia’s Pureview 41-megapixel camera phone technology being introduced to Windows Phone hardware when Nokia deems it ready – is it now ready?

Or perhaps the fruits of Nokia’s close partnership with Microsoft will produce the Windows 8 tablet tech which has been spoken of by a chief designer – bringing the hardware/software tag team into a clash with the likes of Apple’s iPad and the Google Nexus 7 with the sweet new Android 4.1 OS known as ‘Jelly Bean’.

Recently developers spotted the names ‘Lumia 1001’, ‘Lumia 950’, ‘Lumia 920’ and ‘Lumia 910’ as active Bluetooth compatible devices on Nokia’s RDA database, so maybe some new additions to the mobile maker’s popular family of Windows Phones is arriving to host Microsoft latest revision to its pocket OS during the Nokia World event and going on sale the next day? It’s officially known that existing WP models will not be updatable so it only makes sense that Nokia would be keen to be the first to provide the hardware platform to support the new Windows Phone 8 software.

With Nokia reportedly losing out on around 1.1 Billion dollars in the second quarter of 2012 we’re very interested to see its next move. Read up on Nokia’s profit crash in the Gadget Helpline’s article – Here.

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