UPDATE: Nokia Lumia 1001, 950, 920 & 910 Appear on List of Windows Phone 8 Handsets

[UPDATE:] Yesterday the Gadget Helpline covered an interesting discovery which suggested Nokia is working on an unannounced Lumia smartphone which appears in a list of Bluetooth approved Windows Phone 8 gadgets calling itself “Lumia 1001” (available to read after the image).

Today the Lumia 950, 920 and 910 can be added to the list found on the Nokia RDA scheme and thanks to WPDang.com we also have the most unusual code-names of “Dogphone”, “Phi”, “Fluid” and “Juggernaut” appearing in another WP8 related leak (which also names a new Samsung model – SGH-i687). We can only presume that all of these devices listed (with a “create date” of June) will eventually arrive carrying the recently announced Windows Phone 8 platform. We’ll stay on these to bring you further news as it breaks.

[Originally Published 9/7/12:]
A listing appearing on Nokia’s RDA service may have revealed the name and model number of the Finnish mobile making co.’s first Windows Phone 8 handset – and more than likely this will also be the first phone from any manufacturer to feature the latest revision to Microsoft’s mobile operating system.

‘Nokia Lumia 1001’ features on a list of Bluetooth approved gadgets included on Nokia’s Remote Device Access (RDA) – a service which is offered up to developers when a smartphone they are creating software for is unavailable in physical form. Essentially this acts a remote control for a product that is yet to be released and suggests that a successor to the popular Nokia Lumia family of Windows Phones is already in existence and being worked on, and a logical step forward should mean this gadget will come packing the evolved Microsoft OS which was announced on the 20th of June.

The Nokia Lumia 1001 was discovered by a TechCrunch reporter while “poking around with a Nokia 500” and confirms that the partnership between the Finnish company and Microsoft will spearhead the WP8 campaign (in the absence of rumoured Microsoft own-branded smartphones), which will be joined by Huawei and HTC, the latter of which has already named a number of its Windows Phone 8 supporting devices and recently featured in another leak – One which tried to suggest that the keyboard on the platform upgrade will be round. We weren’t so convinced.

It’s even said that RIM might be looking to join up with Microsoft and Windows Phone 8 to save its struggling BlackBerry brand. Truth or rumours, we will be following the Nokia Lumia 1001 story as well as all the developments on the WP8 launch and will keep our readers updated here on the Gadget Helpline Blog.

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Source: TechCrunch