Smarthome life – Worth Diving In? The Positives & Negatives

Smarthome improvements continue as the internet of things slip into higher gear. The higher gear here being 5G of course. We had a look at both the positives and the negatives of smarthome life.

Smarthome Upsides

  • Having items ordered for you when you run low without even knowing it is running out. Smart washing machines for example or refrigerators. 
  • Knowing who has called on you while you were out. On top of this you can also allow certain friends and family access to your home if you have smart locks installed.
  • Smart heating, separately control the temperatures of each room in your home. Without needing to manually close valves on each radiator.
  • More spare time. With each chore automated, your spare time grows.

Smarthome Downsides

Renting your home? Well there are many options if you fall under this category. Just not as many as being a home-owner. Smart manufacturers are aware of this and currently trying to fill the gap.

  • Even though you are restricted in regards to permanent fixtures you can still use smart items. Devices that will move with you when you go, such as smart plugs.  There are also smart audio and visual solutions that are not permanent fixtures.
  • Having everything you do monitored in your own home. For many, this is a downside. Unfortunately, with the amount of data breaches on a regular basis, it’s only a matter of time until smart devices start to leak the information they contain to others.
  • Will it make you lazier? This is one that really depends on the user. Some people fill their spare time with things to do. Smart homes, theoretically, should give you more spare time. So, lazier? Maybe not as it’s entirely subjective.


The conclusion is that we really do not know. Overall the impact of smart homes will not really be noticed until the proliferation of 5G is complete and a thing of the past.

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