Category: Press
5G Eyewear – Skip The Phone Go Straight To Visuals?
5G eyewear will be real, this is not clickbait or a joke by any stretch of the imagination. With the understanding that 5G allows for much higher throughput of data, the content quality can also be much higher. With this in mind we can enter augmentation and virtual environments. 4G and our trusty smartphones, though…
Plastic Recycling Tech
Plastic recycling in tech. These are not exactly two terms you would normally see together. Most tech seem to ignore the fact they produce a lot of plastic. Not only that but you do not see them investing in recycling as a compliment to their activities. When they do it seems to be leftovers as…
IOT Future, Internet Of Things? Smart Or Not?
IOT future is here, no need to look any further. There are currently millions of iot devices worldwide. There are also a lot of smart speakers out there. These are two entirely different kettles of tech. The key to working out whether you own a smart devices or just an iot device is easy. A…
AR Augmented Reality – The Lowdown – Future AR Gadgets?
AR or Augmented reality. What’s it all about? What gadgets are coming and why will they be better than what we already have? Lots of questions to answer here lets start at the top: What is AR about? Augmented reality is completely different from a virtual reality. Augmented reality overlays itself on top of your…
Diamond Battery – From Radioactive Waste to Useful & Clean Power?
Diamond battery power, sounds expensive right? Well, not really in actuality it’s proverbially turning muck into brass. Thus, considering these will be created from spent radioactive fuel rods suddenly things get a little surreal. That’s right spent radioactive fuel rods. This is generally known as one of the hardest derivatives to get shot of. The…
VR Update For The Year Ahead – What Could Be Virtually Hot Or Not
VR update incoming. Is virtual reality beginning to seem like something tech companies used to talk about a couple of years ago? So, feeling uncomfortable with the calm we had a look into developments. Lets see what’s cooking for the virtual year ahead… Before we look ahead, it may be a good thing to go…
Tech Predictions 2020 – A Glance Into The Scrying Pool
Tech predictions are always hit and miss. So, normally, we tend to veer away from guessing what will happen next. Usually its much easier to just write about what is. Not today though. Today we shall be looking ahead a few months and guessing how the year will play out. No huge predictions worthy of…
Hidden Camera Detection – The Scout By Spyguy Review
Hidden camera detection tools are not really to hand in everyone’s holiday arsenal. There are a few reasons for this too. Generally, thinking about hidden cameras is a job for the paranoid mind. Unfortunately there are people out there who have few scruples. If there is money to be made or a way to take…